Future Civic - Added in the Rise and Fall expansion, Future Civic is located at the end of the civic tree and awards +1 new Governor Title each time it is researched.In the Secret Societies game mode, the first secret society discovered awards 1 Governor Title.Tribal Village - After Turn 30, you have a chance to earn a Governor Title when visiting a Tribal Village.Grand Vizier - Suleiman, the leader of the Ottomans, gains 1 Governor Title after researching Gunpowder.In the expansions, he awards +1 Governor Title when activated. Francisco de Paula Santander - Simón Bolívar, the leader of Gran Colombia, has a chance to receive this Comandante General at the start of a new era.Casa de Contratación - This wonder, when finished, will grant 3 Governor Titles.Great Merchant - As of the Rise and Fall expansion, there are 2 Great Merchants who will award +1 Governor Title when activated: Irene of Athens and Adam Smith.There are a total of 3 buildings, corresponding to 3 tiers of government, so the Government Plaza will grant 4 Governor Titles in total. In addition, every government building completed in the district will grant a Governor Title each.

Civic Tree - There are a total of 13 civics that will grant +1 Governor Title.There are several means of acquiring titles: In order to appoint and promote Governors, you must earn and spend Governor Titles. Using Governors Acquiring Governor Titles The same seven types of Governors are available to all players, and (unlike Great People) you do not have to compete with other players to attract them - they are always waiting for you. Look for opportunities to adjust your strategy and use your Governors to the max with the right Policies. Note also that there are many Policies which work only in cities with Governors! Thus, their usefulness is expanded greatly and beyond their individual abilities. You may choose to use all seven (but you will be unable to promote each one of them to the highest level until the late game), or you may choose to use just some of them (in which case you'll be able to use their most powerful abilities earlier). Each one has distinct qualities and unique promotions (called "abilities" or "titles"), and will stay with you throughout the game. Unlike Spies (which, despite having distinct names, are all the same and have the same Promotions) or Great People (which are distinct, with distinct abilities, but are also numerous and quickly expendable), there are only seven Governors (eight if you play as Suleiman).

But beyond that, Governors have additional abilities which vary from Governor to Governor - more on that later. This effect becomes active even before the Governor establishes its power in a city, meaning from the very moment you assign them there. A Governor's main job is to ensure the Loyalty of your cities - each city with a Governor receives +8 Loyalty per turn, which is a significant boost, and is usually enough to keep it from rebelling and declaring Independence. Each one of the seven different Governors focuses on a particular gameplay aspect, such as City Defense, Religion, Gold, or Production, and developing his or her abilities will enhance them.Ī Governor is similar to a Spy in that it is a "hidden agent" (it doesn't really move on the map, like a Great Person) which is assigned directly to cities. To implement special gameplay effects which will improve various aspects of city performance.To bolster Loyalty in a city a Governor's authority manifests your central authority as supreme leader of the nation, and thus helps keep the local politicians in check.